Complete Control
The central point of implementing the Snider Investment Method. The SIM Hub connects our clients to their broker creating a unique synergy between our clients, their broker, and our investment guidance.

Stress-Free Implementation
Your one-stop platform for mastering the Snider Investment Method.
With integrated proprietary tools and resources, the SIM Hub simplifies your investment journey across five key areas: Stock Selection, AutoPilot Trading, Performance Reporting, Education, and Account Management.
Together, these elements form a comprehensive system to connect, design, trade, and measure your Snider Investment Method portfolio.
Stock Selection
Smart Choices for Better Performance
Our Stock Selection process focuses on identifying the best positions for the Snider Investment Method, utilizing filters to evaluate a company’s financial health, diversify your portfolio, and prioritize stocks for optimal immediate income.

RapidRatings’ Core Health Score and Financial Health Rating provide our stock selection process with a forward-looking, objective view of a company’s financial health and risk of default. RapidRatings’ unbiased score from published financial statements is the initial and critical component to building a financially strong portfolio.

SIM Score
Our own proprietary measure of a stock’s volatility, the SIM Score identifies companies that make good Snider Method positions. With covered calls, we must strike a balance between enough volatility to generate a good income without wild swings or declines in a stock’s price.

Our stock selection tool ensures well-rounded portfolios through sector, industry, and position diversification. By categorizing stocks into 10 economic sectors and over 150 industries, we promote stability and avoid overconcentration. Additionally, we impose strict limits on individual stock positions to prevent any single stock from dominating the portfolio.
Sorting the Results Seeking Income
Once we’ve narrowed down the list of good candidates for the Snider Investment Method, we must rank the stocks from top to bottom. The deciding factor is simple: the amount of income we can earn today. At this point, we look at all stocks as equals and do not attempt to speculate which stock will do better or worse in the future. We seek to invest in the stock which will pay us the most income immediately.

Percent Downside Protection
Officially, this gives you the percentage a stock can decline without losing money on a covered call. It is calculated by taking the call premium divided by the market price. However, it also tells you which stocks have the highest option premiums relative to the stock’s current value.

Our stock selection process gives preferential treatment to dividend-paying stocks. Although a majority of our income is earned through option trades, dividends are an added income benefit to owning a stock. It also represents a fiscally responsible company that make great investments.
Trading – Exclusively available at TradeStation
AutoPilot Trading
Put your Snider Investment Method trades on AutoPilot with our proprietary portfolio management and trading software. You still have the control to place all your trades, but AutoPilot suggests every trade and walks you through the implementation of the Method each month. It will reduce your time spent trading, avoid any chances of missed trades, and significantly reduce the possibility of mistakes.
Top Features

Limit Improvement Tool
The bid/ask spread on option prices can be considerably larger than simple stock trades. Our limit tool seeks to get you the most income for your option sales by placing an order between the spread and adjusting the limit automatically to ensure execution.

Cash Enhancement Investments
Cash is an important component of our investment strategy. AutoPilot optimizes every aspect of your portfolio by directing uninvested cash into safe, liquid, investment-grade securities, earning more interest on cash.

Extra Income Search
Almost all your trades will be placed on our “Trade Day” each month. However, for clients searching for every little bit of income, the Extra Income Search scans the market for additional covered call trades after normal monthly trading is complete.

Stock and Option Order Forms
AutoPilot prefills all your trade order forms. After your stock trade, it calculates the best covered call combination. Then, it generates each option order form, prefilled with all the important fields complete. For option orders that includes the option’s expiration date, strike price, and limit price. You will never be confused by the complex option trading jargon.

All Levels of Investors
Investments, in particular option trading, can be intimidating and confusing. AutoPilot eliminates this stress and allows nearly anyone easy implementation of the Snider Investment Method.

Reduce Implementation Time
With the Snider Method, you trade just one day each month. With AutoPilot, even the largest account holders can have their trades done in just a few hours. You can spend more time doing what you love rather than managing your investments
Complete Guidance
AutoPilot is a trade wizard walking your through every trade for all of your Snider Method stocks. Never miss a trade and never skip a position, with AutoPilot you confidently trade the Snider Investment Method step-by-step.
Track Every Detail of Your Performance
Many trading education firms teach their clients techniques and strategies for different situations, but stop short of helping them track their success (or failure.) We believe recordkeeping and performance reporting are a critical part of implementing any investment strategy.

Monthly Income Tracking
Each month, know exactly how much your account earned. Get a detailed look at option premiums earned, interest, and dividends minus fees to give you the most accurate representation of your results.

Annual Report
Get a snapshot of your annual performance. See all the important figures at one quick glance. Detailed tracking of income, growth, contributions, withdrawals, limit improvements, fees, and much more.

Organized Position Activity
We record and track every trade. Nothing goes unaccounted for. Know exactly what you paid for each of your shares as well as the option premiums earned, dividends paid, and gains or losses on stock sales.

Complete Account History
We track all the activity in your entire account, not simply the trades. Interest and dividend payments are important factors of our monthly performance. Deposits and withdrawals often get forgotten, we track every line of account activity to provide a crystal clear picture of your results.
Your Investment in Education
The centerpiece of the Education section of our SIM Hub is the Snider Investment Method Online Course, but you can find all our educational resources here.

SIM Online Course
Lean the complete Snider Investment Method, including the philosophy behind why we trade the way we do.

Latest Education
We give our clients full access to all our educational resources. We don’t have advanced courses or more classes after the Snider Method Online Course. As long as you remain a client, you have access to our latest course and all the supplemental materials.

Checklists and Guides
Our Trade Day Checklist has been guiding our clients through their trades for over 20 years. It, along with our other library of guides, will provide you with easy instructions on handling any issues with your account.

Tutorial Videos
Get a snapshot of your annual performance. See all the important figures at one quick glance. Detailed tracking of income, growth, contributions, withdrawals, limit improvements, fees, and much more.
Manage Your Account, Services, and Information
As your investment advisor, we are responsible to know our clients and stay up-to-date with their financial situation. These details are crucial in order for us to fulfill our fiduciary duties for you.

Manage Your Profile
Keep your contact information current. Your email address will be our primary way for communication, but we also need to know your residential address to conform with our SEC regulations.

Verify Suitability
We must know and stay informed about important aspects of your financial situation to ensure the Snider Method is appropriate for your investment needs. This includes an annual update to confirm or change your data.

Services and Billing
It is easy for clients to start, stop, or change services. With three levels of service, CoPilot, AutoPilot, and Charter Asset Management, there is always a service level to meet your needs.
Live Webinar
The Complete Guide to the Snider Investment Method
Join our live educational webinar to learn our systematic investment method, focusing on option strategies for income generation and long-term financial stability. These sessions guide attendees on portfolio management, risk reduction, and achieving retirement goals.
Do Not Hesitate!
Join our next LIVE webinar:
- Register now to secure your spot.
- Learn proven income-generating strategies.
- Gain insights on building a retirement-focused portfolio.
- Start your journey to financial independence.