Covered Call Options Ladder
Climbing to Profits
Generate income from your portfolio even when stock prices decline. Cash management and laddering covered calls helps create a consistent income in bear markets.

Covered Call Options Ladder
Managing Risks of Market Declines with our Option Ladder
We believe the number one job of your portfolio is to produce an income. Managing covered calls throughout a bear market to maintain income is a concept we call the option ladder. It takes discipline and consistency but can prove beneficial for income-focused investors.
In this online course, you’ll learn the details of this unique strategy. It will also take you through an in-depth example to fully grasp the concepts. The Snider Investment Method has utilized this strategy during recent bear markets, including the financial crisis and the Covid pandemic, to keep portfolios generating an investment income.
Course Overview
Climb to Profits with an Option Ladder
The Snider Method has simplified the subject of risk management into a rule-based approach we refer to as covered call laddering. Laddering is a simple concept most often used by investors in certificates of deposit and bonds. The idea is to distribute the maturity dates to smooth fluctuations in interest rates.
Laddering covered calls is a similar concept. Only, instead of smoothing fluctuations in interest rates, the idea is to even out variations in stock prices. Each purchase made as the stock price declines will lower your cost basis, which lowers the bar to be able to close the position at a profit. And as you accumulate additional shares each month, you may be able to sell more calls – generating even more income.
The key to a good income investment strategy is to perform in as many market conditions as possible. Your expenses won’t change just because markets decline. This risk management technique helps our clients create the reliable income they need in retirement. Climbing to Profits is our free course to explain our approach to covered call laddering so you can implement this powerful technique in your own portfolio.
Begin our Climbing To Profits training course today.
What is in the course?
Climb to Profits
Learn the cash management and covered call laddering strategies utilized by the Snider Method.
Stock Selection
Look for financially stable companies that you are willing to own for the long term. Balance the risks and rewards of volatility to create a healthy income.
Add Cash-Secured Puts
Add OTM cash-secured puts to your covered call toolbox to boost income strategically.
Manage Downside Risks
Prepare for future market declines with a plan to create a sustainable income throughout the cycles.
Option Laddering
Even out variations in stock prices to generate an income even if the price drops.
Creator & Instructor
Shelley Seagler
As our Director of Education, Shelley brings over 25 years of experience in group training and facilitation. In 2005, Shelley was handpicked by our founder, Kim Snider, to take over all aspects of Snider Method education.
As the instructor of our Snider Method workshop and the creator of our Snider Method Online Course, she has taught thousands of people how to competently manage their investments.
Our clients connect with Shelley’s unique ability to take complex topics and teach them in a way even the most novice investor can understand.

About Us

Snider Advisors is a boutique, SEC-registered investment advisor. As professional covered call advisors, we have a fiduciary responsibility to our clients and a verifiable track record since 2002.
We have an extraordinary focus on training and empowering both novice and experienced investors to generate a paycheck for monthly income. We promote self-management of your funds to avoid costly management fees, for a more secure and prosperous retirement. While we professionally manage approximately $75 million for clients, the Snider Investment Method, the powerful system thousands have learned to use and trust, accounts for over $100+ million in client-managed assets.
Unlike most advisors, we don’t manage money behind closed doors – instead, clients appreciate the transparency and education we provide, making them highly informed and confident investors. As a matter of fact, we use the same method to manage client assets that we teach clients to use to successfully manage their portfolios.