Guides to Opening Your TradeStation Account

To help your transition from Ally Invest to TradeStation be as seamless as possible, we have created two resources to walk you through the process of establishing your account.

How to Open Your TradeStation Account  is a detailed guide that offers step-by-step instructions on completing the account application. It includes multiple screenshots, tells you what settings to select, and offers guidance on filling out your information correctly.

We also recently offered a webinar. Here is a link to a recording of the webinar. In addition to account application instructions, we cover several important topics including why we are changing brokerage firms and the benefits of TradeStation. You will see a timeline of key dates for opening your account, transferring funds, and trading. We also spend a little over 20 minutes answering questions. The Q & A section starts around the 27-minute mark and continues to the end of the webinar.

If you need any help opening your TradeStation account, don’t hesitate to let us know.

Disclosure: Snider Advisors has an economic incentive for recommending that clients open an account with TradeStation. Specifically, Snider Advisors receives a flat referral payment for each new customer it refers to TradeStation. More detailed information about the relationship and our fiduciary responsibility can be found in our ADV Part 2A. Clients may contact Snider Advisors with any questions about the terms of the agreement with TradeStation.