7/14/2016-TAL International Group Inc. (TAL)

Attention, those of you who own TAL International Group Inc. (TAL):  TAL has merged with Triton Container International Limited to form Triton International Limited (TRTN). More information about the merger can be found here. As part of the merger, owners of TAL will receive one share of TRTN for every share of TAL that was previously owned.

No action will need to be taken regarding the new TRTN position, and you should continue to apply the Snider Investment Method tenets to the position going forward. You will simply need to adjust your Individual Stock Purchase Record, Band Rule Worksheet, and Allocated Cash Worksheet so that the TAL symbol is replaced with TRTN.

Lattco PRO / Lattco AutoPilot Users: Your TAL position will be automatically replaced with your new TRTN position when you update activity this month.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at support@snideradvisors.com or 1-888-6-SNIDER. We’ll be happy to walk you through the process.