Where Technology Meets Expertise in Covered Calls

Snider Investment Method

A long-term investment strategy designed to create income from your portfolio.  The Snider Method uses a combination of buying stocks, selling options, and cash management in a specific sequence to maximize your portfolio’s income.  It starts with a strict stock screening process to restrict our investments to financially healthy companies.  Next, we generate option premium using covered calls and cash-secured puts, boosting income from your stock portfolio.  And finally, by managing our cash and stock market exposure, we reduce risks while creating a reliable portfolio income. 

Powerful Portfolio Management & Trading Software

We Believe Technology Should Empower Investors

Systems, processes, and automation will increase the chances of success for an investor. This makes building the technology to support our investors easy. Although you have the tools in place to guide your funds each step of the way, our support team is still here to guide you through learning and implementing the Snider Investment Method.


Experience the impact of our advanced stock screening tool, meticulously tailored for the Snider Investment Method. This intuitive software streamlines your trading journey, combining user-friendly features with expert guidance to give you confidence in every trade. Simplify your strategy and trade smarter with the SIM Hub AutoPilot by your side.

Covered Call Screener

Our trusted partner, optionDash, offers a completely free covered call screener featuring a unique, proprietary stock scoring system. This powerful tool is designed specifically for covered call traders looking to customize and optimize their trading experience fully. Unlock new opportunities and take your trading strategy to the next level with optionDash.

Snider Method

Getting started is easy.  Learn with expert guidance, execute trades through seamless software integration, and enjoy streamlined, once-a-month trading that supports your long-term goals. The Snider Method is a comprehensive, rules-based system used to boost income from a retirement portfolio. Start earning more from your investment portfolio.

Pick Your Plan


Snider Investment Method Workshop $499.99

Ongoing Cost:

$49.99 / Month

  • New Position Generation
  • Limited Record Keeping
  • Snider Method Guidance
  • Checklist & Worksheets
  • Email, Phone, & Chat Support
  • Full Performance Reporting
  • Cash Interest Optimization
  • TradeStation Setup & Guidance
  • Vacation Trades


Snider Investment Method Workshop $99.99

Ongoing Cost:

0.50% to 0.75% Annually

  • New Position Generation
  • Complete Record Keeping
  • Step-by-Step Trade Guidance
  • Checklist & Worksheets
  • Email, Phone, & Chat Support
  • Full Performance Reporting
  • Cash Interest Optimization
  • TradeStation Setup & Guidance
  • Vacation Trades


Snider Method Workshop Recommended but Not Required.

Ongoing Cost:

1% to 2% Annually

  • Full Asset Management
  • Complete Record Keeping
  • Monthly Performance Reports
  • Cash Interest Optimization
  • Tax Loss Harvesting
  • Annual Tax Reports
  • Withdrawal Analysis
  • Account Setup & Transfer Assistance
  • Personal Support

Built on Experience

Decades of Innovation as Covered Call Advisors

Snider Advisors is a boutique, SEC-registered investment advisor.  As professional covered call advisors, we have a fiduciary responsibility to our clients and a verifiable track record since 2002.

We have an extraordinary focus on training and empowering both novice and experienced investors to generate a portfolio paycheck using income option strategies.  Our strategies and philosophies are the result of solving real-world problems for our families and ourselves, as well as our clients. 


Answers to your most pressing questions:

Q. What is the Snider Investment Method?

The Snider Investment Method is a unique, income-focused strategy designed to help investors generate consistent cash flow from their portfolios. It combines stock ownership with options trading, allowing you to earn income through covered calls while managing risk and reducing the impact of market volatility. Learn More

Q. Is the Snider Investment Method right for me if I’m new to investing?

The Snider Investment Method is designed to be accessible to investors at all experience levels. Our training, support, and resources make it easy for beginners to understand and implement the strategy. Plus, our team is here to guide you every step of the way, providing the tools and education needed to succeed, regardless of your investing experience. Trading Software

Q. How much time does it take to manage my portfolio using the Snider Investment Method?

Managing your portfolio with the Snider Investment Method typically requires just a few hours each month. Our approach is designed to be effective and time-efficient so you can enjoy the benefits of a powerful investment strategy without constantly watching the market.

Q. Can you manage my portfolio?

Yes! With our Charter Asset Management service, we do all your trading for you. We realize that not everyone is cut out to manage their own assets. If you can’t trust yourself to follow the rules, fear making a mistake, or lack the confidence to place your trades, we are here to implement the Snider Investment Method for you. Asset Management

Q. What kind of support and resources will I receive after joining?

When you start using the Snider Investment Method, you’re not alone. We provide comprehensive support to ensure your success, including access to our expert team for personalized guidance, in-depth training materials, regular webinars, and ongoing updates on market conditions and strategies. Our commitment to your financial success doesn’t end after your initial learning—it’s a lifetime partnership. Service Levels

Q. Do I need to know how to trade options?

No, prior experience in options trading is not required to use the Snider Method. Our system is designed to cater to both beginners and experienced investors. We provide comprehensive educational resources and tools, including our stock selection tool and trading software. More about options.

Q. What are covered calls?

Covered calls are a strategy where investors sell call options on stocks they already own. This approach allows investors to generate income from the option premiums they receive. It is a conservative strategy used to enhance returns on a stock portfolio, providing potential income while still holding the underlying stocks. Learn more with a free course!